Wednesday, February 25, 2009

RIP. Shannon the Schafer's ink.

As is my luck, yesterday, in English no less, Shannon (my silver and gold Scheaffer pen, a birthday present from 07) 's blue ink decided that it had dotted it's last dot. RIP Shannon's Ink. Anyway... I ended up having to borrow others peoples pens in my classes (Thank you to lockers 003 and 008) and today I ended up using my mothers Parker Pen, Pansy, because our newsagents didn't sell Scheaffer ink refills. This is just a notice saying welcome to the family to the two ink refills for Shannon, Carlise and Esme. They will be joining Percy, the Parker Pen, Jimminy and Cricket, the rubbers, Larry, the Liquid paper, Steve, the sharpener, Stacy, the stapler, Rachel, the red pen and Ron, the ruler. 
Welcome to the family guys. 
PS. Yes I am aware that I've named my stationery, believe me, I've done weirder things.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ag Science Project

It's official, Agricultural Science is out to kill me. A few weeks ago, I was given a project for Ag Sci (which shall now be known as Sci Fi) to construct a poster of a crop in Australia. We had to find a map of where it was grown, climate, pests ect. Sounds easy right? Wrong. I single-handedly managed to pick the hardest crop in the history of hard crops. What is this crop you may ask, Lime. Four innocent sounding letters but believe me, I'll never be able to look at these seemingly innocent fruits ever again. Our draft is due in on Thursday, I only started working on this today. GOD HELP ME!!!!

It was proving impossible to work on my poster at home, too many distractions. So I ended up at the local library, where I'm typing this. It's even louder. S much for libraries being quiet places of solitude. Ours is a new one, just opened up a few months ago, turns out, everyone loves it. So much so that they are showing no intention of leaving anytime soon. So, naturally, there were no computers, and I, being the ditz I am, forgot the laptop. I have now kidnapped one of the computers in the high speed Internet section and I'm not moving anytime soon.

Lime is one of those topics that seem easy enough to begin with, then you start trying to research and get bogged. There are some really useless things you learn while researching limes, for instance,did you know that if you have lime juice in your hair and go outside in the sun your hair gets lighter! WOW! I always wanted to know that! For those of you who don't realise, I'm being sarcastic. I don't particularly like Ag Sci Fi, It's one of those subjects that, unless you want to become a farmer or scientist, it makes you fall asleep. That is not saying that the ag sci fi teacher is bad, or anything, it can be fun for instance, our Tuesday trips to the school farm, it just generally isn't.

Agriculture, the study of farming, fishing and anything remotely related to either. If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't like it. At all. It is a horrible class in which I am bored to death and wish I didn't have to take. And just for the record, I'm not wagging school today, it's a pupil free day.

Disclaimer: I alone reserve the rights to eat my words.